Perform a minimum of three times per week alternating days with Intentional Restoration. Start with the mini-sequence, especially if you don't have a regular yoga practice.
For best results, keep the following tips in mind as you perform the Recognition Sequence:
• Don’t eat for an hour prior to performing the sequence.
• Perform the sequence in comfortable clothing and bare feet.
• Focus on what you are doing, not on reaching a goal.
• Move slowly and be mindful of every detail of your experience.
• Remember, perfecting the posture is not the goal.
• Use the downloadable audio below to perform the sequence. The videos below are for learning only.
For more information on the postures, see the Video Posture Guide here.
Mini Yoga Posture Sequence
Full Yoga Posture Sequence
RECOGNITION SEQUENCE - Yoga Posture Sequence
INTENTIONAL RESTORATION - Guided Relaxation Session
Perform a minimum of three times per week alternating days with the Recognition Sequence.
The Intentional Restoration practice powerfully rejuvenates both body and mind and prepares the nervous system to optimally receive and integrate the NeuroSet Brain Training exercises.
For best results, keep the following tips in mind as you perform Intentional Restoration:
• Select a space free from disturbances.
• Ensure that every part of your body is supremely comfortable.
• Lower the lights, but don’t turn them off (unless using the night-time version)
• Lie comfortably on your back, but not in bed (unless you are using the night-time version)
• Remain still, relaxed, and connected to the audio instructions throughout the session.
Guided Relaxation - day-time
Guided Relaxation - night-time
Complete the fill-in-the-blank Inner Peace Insight Journal each morning and evening to help you integrated your Remain still, relaxed, and connected to the audio instructions throughout the session.