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Eric's BrightLife Yoga workshop helped me get back to that happy and energetic me I hadn't seen in months!

Janice R.
Seattle, WA

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I've been meditating for years, but with Eric's help, my meditations are deeper and I'm feeling lighter and more clear in every corner of my life.

Benjamin L.
Charlotte, NC

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I've gotten more from Eric in two weeks than I got from my entire Yoga Teacher Training program!

Rebecca M.
Long Beach, CA


Eric Walrabenstein is a best-selling author, ordained Yogacharya (Master Teacher of yogic sciences), and nationally-renowned educator in the fields of meditation and mind-body wellness.

His work focuses on empowering people to practically apply the lesser-known aspects of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness to live lives of more purpose and meaning.


He is the founder of Yoga Pura, one of Arizona’s largest yoga wellness centers, the creator of the BOOTSTRAP Yoga Stress-management System developed for the U.S. military, and the creator of the BrightLife Method, a first-of-its-kind mind-body approach to helping people from all walks of life gain greater mastery over their thoughts and emotions and impulses.

Eric's work has been widely featured in the media including on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Success magazine, Yoga Journal, and beyond. His podcast, This Perfect Moment, is available on Apple and Google Podcast networks.

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Build a Spiritual Life You Love

with yoga's most sacred wisdom and practices


with ordained Yoga Master Eric Walrabenstein


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(and more, without ever touching your toes)

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Eric Wal
Yoga Pura Global Wellness

15440 N. 7th Street, Suite 1

Phoenix, AZ 85022

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